I have started reading Eclipse again. I have a few favorite parts marked.
1. Edward: "'I sign your name better than you do yourself. You have already written the essays'".
2. Alice: "'This hostage stuff is fun.'"
3. Jacob: "'Is he your warden, now, too? You know, I saw this story on the news last week about controlling, abusive teenage relationships and--'"
Bella: "'Okay!' I cut him off, and then shoved his arm. 'Time for the warewolf to get out!'"
4."'How do you feel?' Edward asked as we drove away.
He chuckled. 'I meant your hand.'"
5. "...'You broke my hand!'
'Bella, you broke your hand. Now stop dancing around and let me look at it.'"
I'm reading Eclipse right now, so I just skipped down here to comment without reading. I didn't want anything spoiled. I'll read the posts after I finish the book.
Sorry about posting before you finished. This was my favorite of all of the books.
i love Eclipse! I am reading it right now!
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